
We are committed in respecting the privacy of every person who accesses / avails our Service either though the website – misrikla.com or WAP or SMS through Mobile phones or telephone search by calling us or any other medium through which misrikla.com may provide its service (“Service”). You may share your personal information upon you accessing / availing our Service. Your privacy is important to us and we strive to take reasonable care and protection of the information we receive from you.


The purpose of this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”), as amended from time to time, is to give you an understanding on how we intend to collect and use the information you provide to us. The Policy is subject to our changes. Upon updating the Policy, we will also revise the “Updated” date at the bottom of this Policy.

By accessing the Service and providing us such information, you hereby consent to the collection and use of such information for the purposes disclosed in this Policy.